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Blogger.com is down again?!


Blogger server is down "again". This occured at 9PM and it was intermittently on-off till 11PM(+8). At first, I  was blaming Celcom Broadband as the service was downed few times this week. I tried other site (Wordpress :)) and theirs is rendered so well on my Google Chrome. It is really annoying, isn't it? Yea, it makes me to think of changing to other weblog providers. However, blogger has been around for sometimes now and we hope for the best as Google will give their piece of "attention". As you know that Blogger was developed by Pyra Labs almost 9 years ago and eventually acquired by Google in 2003. Not until last year (2007) Blogger had move and operated entirely in Google server. Google should has the weight brand and technology to push Blogger better in comparison to other competitors.

Searching the net about bloggers dissatisfaction over the years is greatly noticeable. Although Blogger keeps inform of their server status but it is the maintenance schedule or apologies and not the random unforeseen downtime. Anyway it is a free service, we can only anticipate for the best.


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