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Task Manager has been disabled

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Dial a Fix (DAF) is fantastic nifty software. It was developed by DjLizard. The software helps you fixing some Windows  problem gleaned info from MS Knowledgebase and other forums. It did helped me to fix some problem of my client's PCs and Laptops especially when their task manager is locked. Have you ever seen this - when you press Ctrl+Alt+DEL, the task manager won't show? it says "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" and in fact, you're logon is administrator mode. DAF will fix this in a single click, plus, it can do other useful fixes like Windows Installer, Window Update, SSL/HTTPS/Cryptography and Registration Center.

I have gleaned info of how to unlock the task manager on the Internet, and I found some other utilities that do about the same job. Task Manager Fix is another great freeware utility that could save your day. 

Also, you can do this - click Start -> run -> type "regedit" press Enter. Search for 


look for DisableTaskMgr, delete it. Close the regedit window.

What is Autorun.inf?

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Autorun.inf is a small configuration text file that runs when you insert flashdrive or CD/DVDROM into computer. Initially, it is used to automate CD software installation or presentation. The automation was good but hackers saw the potential to run malicious program into victim's computer. Autorun file is always stored in the root of media. If you browse the media, you will see the file autorun.inf. However, hacker will hide this program. If you want to check whether autorun.inf file is inside your flashdrive, you can do a few things:

  1. First, open Windows Explorer. Check the drive of your media (Flashdrive, CDROM).
  2. Click Start button -> run -> type "cmd" (without qoute) and press Enter.
  3. You will see Command line console. Now type "X:" (without qoute) and press Enter (assume X is your drive)
  4. Type "dir" (without quote) press Enter. Now, it lists all files on the drive. Do you see "autorun.inf"?
  5. If you can't see, it might be hidden. Now to see if it's there, type "dir /ah" (without quote) press Enter.

  6. This time it will show you the hidden files. "/ah" is attribute hidden. 
  7. If autorun.inf is exist, you can unhide it by typing this command "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" (without quote) press Enter. This command tells you to -h (minus/remove hide), -r (remove readonly), and -s (remove system). 
  8. The file shows up.

Why I use "-s" and "-r" in my attrib parameter? You can't delete system file. Hacker will set autorun.inf attribute to system. That's the reason we remove the system attribute. 


Open Windows Explorer, Tools menu,  Folder Options. From there choose View and choose Show hidden files and folders.

You will unhide the autorun.inf. 

This technique will inform you the existence of the virus/malware by reading command in autorun.inf. 

Warning: Do not double click inf file. It will run or install program behind our back. Open notepad (click start -> run -> type "notepad", then open autorun.inf from there) or if your command line console is running, type "notepad autorun.inf" press Enter.

This is the basic content of autorun.inf


When user inserts the media into computer, it will open/run setup.exe. Icon.ico is the icon of your media.

Now, hacker will write autorun.inf like this:
(hacker named YaHaa)

shellexecute=wscript.exe autoupdate.dll.vbs

This command will execute VBScript that contain malicious script.

This is part of the script (autoupdate.dll.vbs)

'VB Worm v1 By YaHaa
on error resume next
dim mysource,winpath,flashdrive,fs,mf,atr,tf,rg,nt,check,sd
atr = "[autorun]"&vbcrlf&"shellexecute=wscript.exe autoupdate.dll.vbs"
set fs = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set mf = fs.getfile(Wscript.ScriptFullname)
dim text,size
size = mf.size
check = mf.drive.drivetype
set text=mf.openastextstream(1,-2)
do while not text.atendofstream
mysource=mysource & vbcrlf
Set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder(0)
set tf = fs.getfile(winpath & "\autoupdate.dll.vbs")
tf.attributes = 32

How to get rid of the malware. If it already in the system you can install a good antivirus like Avira. You can download it from www.free-av.com. Another good anti spyware that you can install is the Ad-Aware. You can download from www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php 

One program dedicated to guard your flashdrive is called FlashGuard. It is developed by Davis Software and you can download it here http://www.davisr.com/cgi-bin/content/downloads.htm. This nifty software saves my laptop from malicious program that use autorun.inf. It removes the autorun.inf before it acts.

How to fix "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services" Problem


I was having this problem while accessing the Internet for the past 3 days. After few minutes to hours connected to the Internet, the screen above will popped out. Clicking at "click here" will display the Error signature shown below. After clicking "Send Error Report" or "Don't Send", browsers could not display any page. Checked my Internet connection, everything look fine, it not disconnected or whatsoever.

I searched the net and found out that there were many computers affected or having the same problem as mine and it was happening 2 years ago and still happening!

What is happening here? It seems that some malware or anything related to it trying to exploit the open ports of your computer. Which ports to close? Port 135 and port 445. What is port 135 for? Well, this port should not exposed to the Internet. Hacker will use it to expoit DCOM-related server/service running  on user's computer. Port 445 is about Microsoft Directory Services. Opening this port is vulnerable to hacker attack. They are able to upload their malicous files and execute it by using a program like psExec. The worst part are, they can do ANYTHING on your computer. It is very simple to solve this. You just close the door (port), that's it. I use Firewall Leak Tester (www.firewallleaktester.com/wwdc.htm) to close them. Pretty simple but it works, at least for me :)

Do you know what is registry? Find out and save your PC from calamity.

Google New Colors and Theme!


Recently, Google adds new color and theme features to GMail. It spices up your dull GMail to more colorful and vibrant. GMail has not changed much since I first used it in 2005. However, Hotmail then was my first love, that was the email back in 1996(7). Then, I created my Yahoo Mail account in 1998 (if I not mistaken) because they offered bigger space. I am using that faithful email service until today.

Ok, how do I change my color and theme? It is very simple. Click settings on your google menu, choose Themes and then select theme that you prefer.

Do you want to know how to create beautiful wallpaper? Learn graphic learn photoshop here!

Blogger.com is down again?!


Blogger server is down "again". This occured at 9PM and it was intermittently on-off till 11PM(+8). At first, I  was blaming Celcom Broadband as the service was downed few times this week. I tried other site (Wordpress :)) and theirs is rendered so well on my Google Chrome. It is really annoying, isn't it? Yea, it makes me to think of changing to other weblog providers. However, blogger has been around for sometimes now and we hope for the best as Google will give their piece of "attention". As you know that Blogger was developed by Pyra Labs almost 9 years ago and eventually acquired by Google in 2003. Not until last year (2007) Blogger had move and operated entirely in Google server. Google should has the weight brand and technology to push Blogger better in comparison to other competitors.

Searching the net about bloggers dissatisfaction over the years is greatly noticeable. Although Blogger keeps inform of their server status but it is the maintenance schedule or apologies and not the random unforeseen downtime. Anyway it is a free service, we can only anticipate for the best.

Google Chrome Browser


Google develops a Web Browser called Chrome. It definitely a new comer to web browsing things, however google is google (you know that). Their developers are extremely creative to come up with a cleaner interface but not lacking functionality. I have tried number of browsers and this one approaches the web in different way. Searching is a snap, you simply type your text on the URL, enter, and it search for you (of course they use Google Search). If you look at its interface, it's very neat. It doesn't have a toolbar like other browsers. It seems that Google company's concept always produce a simple design but powerful.

Incognito Window is a feature that allowing user to browse the Internet without a trace. It means no cookies, no passwords or no whatever stored in the host computer. This satisfy the users who're constantly browsing 18sx website (I am not encouraging that :)). It also shows the thumbnails of your recent visited websites.

Downloading file is quite simple, it does not show any dialog but it prompts something at the bottom of the page. It will ask you whether you want to save it or not. But I'd found, sometimes it not displaying the "Save" and "Discard" buttons properly. I hope Chrome developers could fix this littel bug.

Installation. Download this software at http://www.google.com/chrome. Once you download a small setup file, double click,it'll install straight from Google server. At the moment Chrome runs only on Windows XP SP2 and Vista.

EssentialPIM Free

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PIM stands for Personal Information Management. EssentialPIM is free of its kind. Although it is not complete (as they do have the Pro version) but it is good and just enough.  I have PIM that come with my PalmTreo smartphone but it is too small (my eyes getting bad nowadays). One problem that I am having is to sync this software to my trusted Palm (I don't know where on earth I'd kept the data cable!) 

Some features of the software:
  • Schedule
  • To Do
  • Notes
  • Contacts
  • Trash
You also can import information from different sources like iCal, text, treePad, rtf, Outlook, CSV, and vCard. If you later decide to transfer information, you can export it into iCal, text, treePad, rtf, Outlook, CSV, html or even iPod.

You can download the free software here


Celcom Broadband downed for 3 Days


Aiya, the Celcom Broadband was downed for 3 days. I was unable to update any of my blogs and this is the first after the bad. The worst part was calling their 1111 customer service. Welcomed by the voice of pre-recorded sweet gal telling you to press whatever number and end up with "very helpful" personnel. 

After I introduced my name and told my blah, blah,blah, blah comments. They told me "we are just the agent of blahblah.. can we transfer you this blahblah department" then I waited the other operator, then I started all over again "my name is blah..blah, just asking when will the Broadband up and running again?" The operator answered "ooo sorry, have you tell this department? blah blah blah.. i will transfer your call." Someone picked up the line and asked me again the same question and blah blah.. "can i transfer you the the blah department?" And this is the finale... after all this rounds, they gave me the hangup sound "tet tet tet tet tet tet tet...." 

Bad, bad! Maybe there're hundred or thousand people called and complaint about their services.

Anybody can be PM!


Yea! Anybody can be Perdana Menteri (as long as he is of Bangsa Malaysia and acceptable to all). This is the excerpt from Daily Express (today's newspaper). Bah, sepa yang mo jadi PM ni? semua buleh bah.. tapi sia ingat2 it's impossible people like you and me. We are ordinary people saja bah. Then who? Kita tingu2 la bah nanti.. there was a rumour that Pakatan Rakyat will topled the current gomen but sampai sikarang pun teda. It's people power to elect MP bah kan, jadi as Malaysian, 5 years from now, we will cast our vote again. Let's vote the capable one la kan. I'm not a politician nor playing with politic here tapi it's our responsibility.  Tingu ja mana2 di kawasan KK ni, kalo kamu nda puas hati kita share2 la supaya suara virtual kita bergema-gema. Ok la, kita renung2 kan ini.

Kipper The Dog

Ini Kipper masa dia sihat sejahtera. 

Kasian si Kipper!
What had happened? Selalunya setiap kali orang keluar dari rumah dia akan ikut sampai di bus stop. Unfortunately Monday was bad for him, he was hitted by car.  You can see it for yourself. Maybe his rear legs were broken.. pity him. 

Insuran Punya Pasal


This year baru ja saya renew my roadtax and insurance. I went to KL, my mother-in-law fetched my wife di Likas, masa balik, di simpang pigi Luyang, Stadium Likas dekat dengan Basel Church... "bang" berlanggar dengan Toyota Unser. Both banged into each other, siapa yang bersalah.. kurang pasti sebab both were running on green light (menurut mereka). Lucky no one is injured.  Nah, to shorten the drama, the car masuk workshop. Cerita punya cerita, the workshop operator doesn't want to repair if the insurance is AmBank (mereka tengah boikot- they said the processing too complicated, wasting time, energy, and money). Then the car towed to another workshop, this time ok. Cerita punya cerita lagi, alamak they said my car is underinsured, I have to pay the balance cost la pula. I don't understand at first, tapi bila saya buat research they are doing this kind of calculation:

sum-insured/car current value * repair cost = claimable fee.


Your car sum-insured is RM10,000.00, car current value is RM18000 and the repair cost is RM2000.00 the claimable fee is RM10000/RM18000*RM2000.00=RM1111.11

Now you still need to pay RM2000 - RM1111 = RM 999 to the workshop.

So moral of the story is: Get insurance that is cover the current value of the car or the safer side buy insurance that equal to balance car repayment. Mahal sikit la tapi, when it happen (accident) you don't have to worry.

Dead Dog!

Masa Raya pertama, there was a dog died right in front of my house. Bingung juga macamana mo buat. Cuti bah. Then I called my police friend. He said called Bandaraya. Ok! but it's holiday bah kan. Anyway I just tried...mmmm no one answered. Then I moved this dog to nearby.. but it's really a strategic place?. No, because masih dalam jalan yang sama, there is no place to throw this dead dog.

Then I went back Kampung, I came back the next day to hope it'll go. Nope it still there, rottening and getting smelly. Then at night, we went to have our family dinner at "Besi Buruk" then returned. To my surprise the dog was gone. I'd thought the Majlis Perbandaran Penampang or the rubbish truck must had thrown it somewhere unknown. Mmmm.. so what should you do if there is a dead animal in front of your house? Myself.. don't know. Call your municipal authority I guess?!!

Internet Cafe

Bah, apa budak-budak ni buat?! Main game di Internet Cafe. This children is not going school ka? Where is their parent ahhh?. Saya pun tidak pandai jawab soalan saya sendiri hahaha.

I notice these kids still underage, wasting their parent money playing all sort of online game. There should be some sort of rule to controll this.

Fuel Price Drops!

Bah! this is really "ngam". I give thumbs up for gomen to reduce the petrol price though it's just 10 cent. The price been reduced from RM2.55 to RM2.45.

And I really, really hope the price of other things will come down as well. We'll see if the price will come down this few days la.

My favorite "Sambal Ikan Bilis" had gone up from RM1.90 to RM2.60 per tin. I hope to see the price will down closed to RM2.00 so I can buy it again with a smile on my face :D

The Most Strategic to Pee!

Wah, this is the most strategic place to peeeee!. I took this photo at Tmn Jumbo, Petagas. It's stink, it's smelly and dirty. I don't know what kind of barbaric attitude they are. One thing that I know, their p*n*s should be tied up and cut off. Well, that's too much but I really pissed off by this kind of thing la.

The "watering" suspected done by the "barbarian" who know to play game at the first floor.

What the authority can do about this? Place the brightest light on earth. They won't dare to peeeeee :D

Tandas JPJ (Jln Bundusan)

Ini adalah tandas di JPJ jalan Bundusan, Penampang. Saya ambil gambar ni semasa renew roadtax kereta saya (17 hb Sept 2008).

Apa ni? paip tandas diikat dengan tali "rapiah". Some of its tiles also gone. Tandas ni memang bersih la sebab air 24 hour jalan :).

Nasib baik juga la tiada tourist datang pigi JPJ sebab orang Sabah ja renew roadtax. Siapa-siapa yang pigi di JPJ, please help me to look at male toilet kalo2 tali "rapiah" tu masih sana :D