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Dead Dog!

Masa Raya pertama, there was a dog died right in front of my house. Bingung juga macamana mo buat. Cuti bah. Then I called my police friend. He said called Bandaraya. Ok! but it's holiday bah kan. Anyway I just tried...mmmm no one answered. Then I moved this dog to nearby.. but it's really a strategic place?. No, because masih dalam jalan yang sama, there is no place to throw this dead dog.

Then I went back Kampung, I came back the next day to hope it'll go. Nope it still there, rottening and getting smelly. Then at night, we went to have our family dinner at "Besi Buruk" then returned. To my surprise the dog was gone. I'd thought the Majlis Perbandaran Penampang or the rubbish truck must had thrown it somewhere unknown. Mmmm.. so what should you do if there is a dead animal in front of your house? Myself.. don't know. Call your municipal authority I guess?!!

carolchs said...
November 22, 2008 at 10:25 PM  

kalau ada anjing mati depan rumah kami, paling2 pun kami kasi surung dia pi siring2 jalan ja. pasal rumah kami bukan tu housing area..rumah kampung...jadi don't expect the MDP mau datang pi tulung collect dead dogs.

Peter Phen said...
November 25, 2008 at 5:02 AM  

Hehehe.. that's good one. That's exactly i did. Kasi siring2 seja. :))

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